Polling: Public Support Expansion of Dormant Assets Scheme – and Additional Governmental Funding for Black and Ethnically Minoritised Communities

Recent Pathway polling has found two things: that the public support the expansion of the Dormant Assets Scheme and that, even before the riots, they want to see ever more support provided to Black and Ethnically Minoritised communities, by the Government.

Indeed, the polling commissioned by Pathway has found that some 61% of the British population want to see the Dormant Assets Scheme widened in scope, if it were to mean that this funding would be given to ‘good causes’, as termed by the Financial Conduct Authority. Those ‘good causes’, would be causes that would improve the UK’s social fabric, or help us in our path to Net Zero.


Notably, only 12.5% of the population were against the expansion of the Scheme, under the same terms.


This shows that, in many respects, the expansion of that Scheme, something that this Government should seriously consider affecting – following some delay, under the previous.

In addition to this, we found that Labour voters in 2019, were more likely to support the expansion of the Scheme.


Also notable was the fact that one half of the British population believe that the Government needs to do more to support Black and Ethnically Minoritised communities.  


Notably, in London, some 75% of respondents felt that the Government’s needing to do more, it being the case that in the South East, some 61% felt this way, and some 63%, in the East of England, too.

Moreover, some 75% of Black and Black British people felt that the Government could and should be doing more, too.

Check out our results, below.


Do you think that the Government has done enough to support Black and Ethnic Minoritised charities?

By Ethnicity

By Region


A dormant asset is an asset that hasn’t been claimed by a company or individual and that cannot be returned to them - should that asset be donated to good causes?

By Likelihood to Vote

By Region


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